Oya™ Organic Fertilizer
- 200X Plant Growth
- All natural - no chemicals
- So EASY to use
- Outdoor and indoor use
If you're not satisfied with the growth results from our Oya™ Organic Fertilizer, let us know and we'll refund your purchase.
If you want to see all-natural vegetables or floral plants that are 200% bigger and juicier or fuller, you have to try our Oya™ Organic Fertilizer to increase the health of your soil.
Oya™ Organic Fertilizer is 100% all-natural with NO chemicals! What is it? It's worm castings derived from worms composting organic materials (think banana peels, leaves, etc). It's EASY to use. Just mix it into your soil once or monthly, at any time of the season, and watch your plants thrive!

Plants Need Organic Fertilizer
WOW. Look at this image.
On the left, our Tomato plant grown WITH Organic Fertilizer from worm castings. On the right, our Tomato plant grown in regular soil.
Improve your soil, get better growth faster.

The Superpower of Microbes
When you add organic matter to soil, it drives nutrient availability, improves nutrient retention and improves water holding capacity. This results in superior growth.
There is more (positive) bacteria in a teaspoon of soil than there is people on the planet. These microorganisms in the soil make all the difference in the yield you will get.
Worm castings also have a granular type structure which helps soil be more aerated, working like a sponge to hold water which further reduces your need to water.
Another great benefit of worm castings is their PH. Castings have a neutral PH, which means soils that are either to acidic or alkaline it can improve both of them bringing it back to a neutral PH.
Is this a chemical fertilizer?
No. The Oya™ Organic Fertilizer is the all natural by product of worm castings. There are no chemicals added.
What are worm castings?
Short answer: Worm poop. Our worms (Red Wigglers) consume organic matter (like banana peels, fruits, vegetables, leafs, etc) and excrete a purified soil compound full of microbes and nutrients. These nutrients enhance the health of your soil much like vitamins enhance the health of your body. When your soil is health, great things grow!
How do worm castings achieve 200% growth?
You're soil's health is the secret to growth. While everyone's soil is different, over time you can condition and improve your soil to maximize it's productivity. Depending on the state of your soil, you may need longer conditioning to achieve 2X growth however most gardeners generally see immediate improvements.
Where can I read the studies on 200% growth?
Here's some links to the research on natural fertilizer from worm castings:
University of California Study
Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiments Station Study
What are the benefits?
- Safe and easy to use
- Bio available nutrients and bacteria
- Improves soil structure
- Improves soils water retention
- Improves plant yields
- Assists in preventing soil crusting and erosion
- Neutralizes soil PH
- All natural source
Are there any negative effects for using worm castings?
We haven't come across any! It's safe for any amount of use, anytime, any plants with no side effects like chemical burning. And because the nutrients are so bio-available they go straight to the plants. Incredible!
Can I use this for indoor and outdoor?
Yes! Natural fertilizer from worm castings works great on indoor plants and outdoor plants.
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